The Peavine Challenge race was this last weekend. After years of racing in the sport category, I finally opted to upgrade and race in the expert category. However, this decision was not based on my faith in my fitness or ability, but simply for the fact that the race promoters of the Nevada Cup Series have not opened up any communication what-so-ever, and race distances for the women have yet to be made even some-what consistent. At the first two races of the season, the womens expert raced the same as the mens expert (~30 miles), and womens sport with the mens sport (~20 miles). I never wanted to upgrade at those, because I didn't want to be the last one to finish the race.
But, at the Peavine Challenge this year, despite complaints about the same set-up at last year's race...the womens sport raced w/ the mens beginner, and only completed one lap of the 13.5 mile course while the expert women completed the same as the mens sport, and did a lap and a half which totalled 19 miles (which is comparable to the distances at the previous races that I've finished this year.) The mens expert did two full laps (27 mi).
So, I raced in the womens expert for my first time ever. And for another first this year, there were actually other women who came out and competed!!! So, I was expecting to get my ass kicked (which happened), but, I was pretty stoked at the start. When the race director shouted "Go" all five of us took off.
I got a great start, and although I didn't exactly get the "hole shot" was close enough. One pro girl led us all out, but she already had a 15 ft lead by the time we reached the single track, and I was the next person in line. So, I led the other three girls into the single track. I was totally stoked to see someone taking photos at that point. Although I was already winded, and could tell that I should've spent at least another half an hour warming up, I was hoping that he would get a great shot of me leading Elizabeth (? name), Cody, and Valerie into the climb before they took me over.
Well, he didn't get Cody into the shot, but this photo still showed up in the RGJ today. Although it wasn't associated with an article, and wasn't even taken by one of the RGJ photgraphers, I'll still autograph it for you if you wish. Cause, although you can only see one girl...I was in the lead at this point. And besides that...check out my calf!
I have been your friend all of these years...waiting...just to say, "I have a famous friend with a super awesome calf muscle!" I'm so glad this day has come!
I kinda just want to post comments at your blogspot all day. Kinda like it's myspace or friendster.
Look AT that calf. I am impressed. Jealous, really. In fact, you'd better not sleep tonight, because I might slip over the fence, break into your house (or I suppose I could just go to the door and use my key) and steal those suckers for myself. Whaaa haaa haaaaa!
You'd better post again soon...I want to hear all about Ashland (NO, I couldn't POSSIBLY just pop my head over the fence and ask you!) I heard you won an apple pie...oh, I mean RAFFLE PRIZE. I want a piece.
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