Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pits of Mommy Despair

I came across this journal entry that I wrote from October, 2013- when Quincy was 2.5 and Remi was 5 months old.  I was back at work, hardly sleeping, and it sounds like on the verge of a meltdown.  I wrote this letter to myself, after having a fight with Scott.  In hindsight, I should have recognized how overwhelmed and exhausted I was and asked for help from somebody.  He was exhausted and overwhelmed, and starting a new job at the time, too.

Let me just start this by saying I feel REALLY overloaded right now.  I’m sure that 90% of this is a direct relation to getting what feels like 2 hours of sleep per night in approximately 15  minute increments.  Seriously, my best sleep this morning was in between 5 minute snooze alarms between 6:30 and 6:50. I had actual dreams I was falling into such deep sleep.  In 5 minutes.  I have had a throbbing headache for four days straight....

The daily routine is not impossible to overcome.  On a day-to-day basis, it’s not even that bad.  But every morning is a test of my wits trying to get Kid 1 fed, dressed, and ready to go.  I am challenged most mornings with a fit of “I don’t want to go to school!”  “ I don’t’ want to get dressed” “ I don’t want to take my diaper off.” All the whining and crying and fits and tantrums you’ve heard before.  EVERY single step in the morning is a challenge.   And I have to deal with it EVERY single morning by myself. 

And I don’t even get a shower in.
If I were to wake up at 6:30 every morning, it’s still hit or miss if I can’t a chance for my own personal hygiene.  I’ve started keeping make-up at work so that I can at least look somewhat decent- even if I smell bad.

It’s fine on a day-to-day basis.  But this week, getting approximately 2 hours of sleep in about 15 minute increments all night, it was just too much.  It’s draining after a while. 

And here's what my morning is like: Wake up, probably to nurse Baby.  Get up, get my contacts in so I can see-meanwhile leaving Baby on the bed with pillows around her, stressing for those two minutes that she won’t either roll off or roll into a corner or flop blankets onto her head and suffocate.  Once I can see, I change her diaper. 
Head out to the kitchen.  If Kid is not up yet,  I get my coffee, get her cereal with blueberries and milk all set up for her, and gather all my pumping stuff, all the while with Baby in one arm.  Then I sit down to pump….for like twenty minutes, I’m tied to the pump.  I can’t move more than a foot an a half without disconnecting.   If Kid gets up and needs help going to the bathroom, I’ve got to completely disconnect, leaving Baby on the floor by herself  (probably crying) and go help her, then come back and set up all over again. 
After that, I go get dressed. I leave Kid to eat her food, and take Baby with me. Kid follows me anyway.  I put Baby on the bed surrounded by pillows and keeping an eye on her the whole time so that she doesn’t roll off or suffocate.  Kid entertains herself by doing something that she shouldn’t be doing.  This morning, I took away one toothpaste tube after another after other bottles of gooey stuff that she grabbed out of the bathroom cabinet.  When I finally got through to her that she shouldn’t be playing in the closet of stuff, she started kicking the mirrored doors over and over again.  Then she slammed the door, and started whining at Dog that he couldn’t be in the room.  Then she started climbing on the bed and jumping on the bed while her sister is laying there.  All this during the 5-7 minutes that it took for me to put some clothes on. 
Then comes the real battle of getting Kid dressed.  This morning I finally decided it wasn’t worth the battle and left her in her PJs since she was just going to grandma and grandpa’s house.  Most mornings, though, this involves picking out an outfit (usually sorting through all the clothes with one arm while I hold Baby in the other and Kid starts pulling all her toys from the toybox).  Then trying to persuade her to put it on while I put Baby down on the floor or in her jumper.  “Which shirt would your rather wear?”  “I want to wear my PJ’s”.  “Ooh, look at this shirt, isn’t it soo cute!”  “Yeah!”….runs away.  “Let’s take off that Stinky diaper”  “Nooooo” *tantrum ensues*. These kinds of battles take place on most mornings.  On a good morning, she’s excited to wear something (yesterday, it was her rainjacket, so I was able to get her dressed easily, until it came time to put her socks on.  Then she went into a MASSIVE fit about not wanting to wear socks.  I’m talking massive, the Nanny can attest to the ridiculousness of the whole thing)  But on most mornings, it’s a battle from the time I get the diaper off to the time I get the last shoe on, usually with at least one tantrum.
By this time, it’s about 8:15.  Time to nurse Baby again to top her off before I leave.  Where is my cup of coffee?  Oh, one more cold sip is left.  I pour my second cup before I sit down with her.  Dammit!! I only get 2/3 of a cup. 
I am relieved when the Nanny arrives so that I can do something with two hands. I quickly pass Baby off to her, even though in the whole morning, I’ve probably only actually cuddled her for about 15 minutes, including nursing time.
Thank goodness you made Kid's lunch the night before.  Dangit, I still haven’t made any of my food for lunch. Oh shoot, I haven’t given the dogs their food or water yet.  How did it get to be 8:55 already?? I guess I’m going to be late …..again!
In the car on the way to school…”No I don’t want to go to school, whaaa, whaaa, whaa.”

I am relieved that we’ve changed schools.  Now, even though I’ve probably doubled my commute time, at least I get 15 minutes in the car by myself.  I can listen to the radio without someone saying “NOOOOO, I don’t WANT the Radio!”  
Ugh.  I have a headache again at work.  All day.  It’s hard to stay focused on anything, I’m so tired.  Then in our weekly team meeting, I have to remind my Boss that I’m not available on Friday’s- I stay home on Friday's with the kids.  I feel like a total slacker.  Most days at work,  I go through the day without even talking to a single other person, okay, maybe the Janitor for a few minutes.  
Dammit, Is it already time to pump?  I close my office door, strip down practically naked in my office for twenty minutes, hoping that no one will come in.  I have to do this twice during the day.  If we happen to have any meetings scheduled during the times I usually pump, I get nervous and edgy.  My boobs start feeling full an uncomfortable, and I worry about pumping too late in the day, or only once during the day. 
End of the day.  I go to get Kid (from school, normally).  I have a throbbing headache, and am so tired I wonder about the safety of driving.  I definitely can’t focus. 
Picking her up from school is usually awesome.  She runs over to me and is really happy to see me (other than Tuesday when she did NOT want to leave).  Then we get in the car to drive home. “I don’t want to go home!!!”  …”Come on, let’s go home and see Daddy.”  I don’t WANT to see Daddy.  I want to go to the store.  I want to go to Gaggi’s house.  Whaaaa whaaa whaa.
My headache worsens.
I get home.  You aren’t home yet.  Kid wants me to carry her inside.  I grab her first, then grab my pump, my lunch bag, my purse, my bag of milk, Quincy’s lunch bag, and her bag of clothes, plus any loose stuff that she has pulled out on the drive home.  I’m sure I’ve missed some stuff, so my car will just get more messy. 
I barely dump all my stuff and wash my hands, and the Nanny is ready to hand Baby over and skiddaddle. 

The house is a mess, but when is there time to clean?  I always have one handful.  Maybe on Fridays when I stay home with both of them. 
The thing is that I get really overwhelmed staying home with both of them.  I’m actually quite terrified of Fridays.  I’m starting to realize that a lot of it is the unfair expectation that since I’m home, I need to do all the laundry.  Wash all the dishes.  Have dinner prepared by the time you get home.
I’m lucky if Kid will take a nap, or sit quietly in her room for a couple hours.  It’s SUPER rare that Baby would nap at the same time.  I usually use that time to pick up- not sleep like I really want to.

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